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長夜未央 Unceasing Night
水墨設色絹本八開冊頁 Album of 8 pages, ink and colour on Silk
21 x 14 cm 每頁 each page




Unceasing Night is a 8-page concertina ink painting on silk with artist’s handmade seals, in reference to a Chinese poem Jian Jia 蒹葭 cited from Shi Jing 詩經 (The Book of Songs). The continuous pages initiate the viewers to read with a cinematic experience, to witness a trace of time and a  sense of loss from the changing condition of the common reed as seen in the work. 

Cited in:

2022    張廷匡,表靈蘊真  積虛凝實  朱樂庭的水墨繪畫探索〉,載《美術家》,二〇二二年冬,第十六期,美術家出版社,頁57-62。 ( Louis Cheung Ting Hong, "Chu Lok Ting’s Exploration of Ink Painting", in Artist, Winter 2022, pp. 57-62. ) (Chinese only)

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