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To the Provenance




CHU lok Ting, Natalie     


Participating Artists

CHU lok Ting, Natalie    CHUI Suet Wai, Doris    LAI Wing Yee, Vicky    LAU Lee    Bowen SAI




朱樂庭、徐雪慧、黎穎兒、劉莉、Bowen SAI

6 June 2021 -- 25 June 2021

Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK



When learning history, we may rely on the internet, textbooks, documentaries, and other resources. But who authors these materials are, and can their content be fully trusted? Every book can be rewritten, every painting redrawn, and statues, buildings, and dates can be renamed or revised at will. This kind of manipulation may be happening every day, every minute, every second. Apart from the eternal present, nothing else truly exists.

The mainstream narrative of history is often linear, and singular. Only the most decisive figures and events that have the greatest impact on future generations are deemed worthy of documentation, while everything else is considered peripheral. However, history is three-dimensional; countless events occur in the same time and space, yet only a few are recorded.

The writing of mainstream history is inevitably one-sided. Whether we look at textbooks or other historical writings, even documents or historical archives, none of these truly represent history itself. As long as history is written and interpreted through human words and perspectives, it is bound to be subjective, and no record can be fully trusted. If the past still exists, it can only be seen in silent objects.

The exhibition title "To the Provenance" originates from the concept of antiquity collection, implying that every step in the transmission of an artifact is marked by labels, inscriptions, seals, and documentary evidence, making the process of transmission clear and reliable. From a collecting perspective, the spirit of artifact collection is essentially the collection of history itself. This concept also applies to objects that bear history. From ancient times to the present, objects possess a characteristic of transmission that the traces or records left during this process actually document and witness history. By examining the transmission of objects, we can uncover numerous cultural messages that lead to a deeper understanding and interpretation of history.

In this exhibition, participants will embody both artist and researcher roles to confront historical objects. They will sift through fragmented clues, extract logical threads from various historical materials, and use artistic interpretation to combine, reimagine, and piece together fragments that more closely resemble the original state of history. This endeavour aims to uncover the forgotten branches of history or respond to the rigid narratives of mainstream history, challenging the singularity of mainstream historical writing. Reconstructing history cannot rely solely on the one-sided perspectives of those in power; everyone can become a recorder and writer of history. Art provides us with the medium to imagine and recreate history, allowing us to further reflect on our identity and the relationship of our land, and examine the present by revisiting the past.




展覽名稱「流傳有緒」來自於一文物收藏的概念,意指文物流傳、轉手的每一個步驟都有明白無誤的標記、題款、鈐印、文獻檔案等的證明,其流傳過程明白、可靠。 從收藏的角度來說,收藏文物的精神其實就是在收藏歷史。此概念用於代表歷史的物件上亦然。自古至今,物件都有流傳的特性,一件物件在流傳過程中每每留下的痕跡或紀錄,其實就是記錄歷史、見證歷史的過程。透過檢視物件的流傳,發現物件上諸多的文化訊息,便能達到追本溯源,詮釋歷史的效果。


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CHU Lok Ting, Natalie 朱樂庭

Steles in Kennedy Town 堅尼地城石碑

Ink rubbing on paper, stones 水墨拓印紙本、石頭



LAU Lee 劉莉

No Replacements Found

Photos, paper 相片、紙



CHUI Suet Wai, Doris 徐雪慧

Agarwood 牙香

Ink and colour on silk 水墨設色絹本



LAI Wing Yee, Vicky 黎穎兒


Oil on canvas 油彩布本



Bowen Sai


Ink on paper, projector, the Basic Law 



Bowen Sai


The Basic Law 基本法


© 2023 by CHU Lok Ting, Natalie.

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